key challenge: the difficulty in verbalizing thoughts
Oral Keichobot.icon How do you see your role in augmenting individual abilities within your team? What kind of actions or approaches do you find effective in achieving this?
nishio.icon To augment the individual ability, there is a bottleneck, which is verbalization. Usually, people have thought in their mind, but they have trouble to output the thought as a word outside of their brain. So, to help the process, verbalization process, is very important.
Oral Keichobot.icon You've identified a key challenge: the difficulty in verbalizing thoughts. Helping with this process can indeed enhance individual abilities. How do you assist others in verbalizing their thoughts? What techniques or methods do you find useful in facilitating this process?
nishio.icon I usually use the KJ method, or in other words, Kozane method. It is a Japanese traditional technique to create ideas. en.icon